More of The Same
If this game had double the content it would be more than just an expression on the premise of progression within video games. The commentary wasn't taken to the extreme I feel that it should have been. While this is a funny and entertaining game I wouldn't say it was entirely a fun game. There wasn't enough substance here to make it fun for me. I found that I beat it rather quickly and that maybe there should have been a few more graphic upgrades, several in fact, sound upgrades, soundtrack upgrades, even the text on money/points counter as they were collected should have been upgradable... like I said this just wasn't taken as far as it should have been and if there is ever a squeal of it, it will be continually lesser even when more is administrated.
Perhaps a "Upgrade Complete X.M.A.!" edition where the upgrades go to extreme lengths, medals for longevity, and 'achievements' for in game ridiculousness. With that said it can't be a squeal - it wouldn't be as funny or as augmentative on the premise of progression and the hilarity found in game would be weak and commonplace.
tl;dr: This game needed more of everything. Especially sound (music & fx), particle (cash counter), and it wasn't EXTREME enough for the commentary it was offering.